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美国普林斯顿大学Yiguang Ju教授将于8月6日来必威betway交流访问

发布时间:2011-07-18    作者:    来源:     浏览次数:    打印

报告题目: Alternative Jet Fuels and Combustion Modeling(替代航空燃料和燃烧模拟 )
报告时间: 2011年8月6日 星期六  15:00-16:00
报告地点:初定于  航空航天学院 会议室(校本部升华楼后栋605)
报 告 人:Prof. Yiguang Ju ( Department of Mech. and Aerospace Eng.   Princeton Univ.)
报告语言: 中文+英文PPT
Prof. Yiguang Ju(琚诒光)1986年和1988年在清华大学机械工程学院分别获得学士和硕士学位,1994年在日本东北大学机械工程学院获得博士学位,2011年任美国Princeton大学教授。主要兼职有美国航空航天研究所成员、美国东部燃烧研究所执行委员会委员、日本东北大学跨学科流体动力学科学委员会委员等。主要从事微尺度燃烧推进、火焰动力学和稳定性、火焰湍流转捩、化学动力学机理及其简化、等离子强化燃烧及在超音速推进中的应用等方面基础研究。已发表论文200多篇,其中Combustion and Flame, Combustion Theory and Modeling, Fuels, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Journal of Fluid Mechanics等国际期刊发表期刊论文115篇,会议论文100多篇。受邀担任Combustion and Flame, Journal of Combustion等国际期刊的编委会委员,主持过the ASME 2nd Energy Nanotechnology International Conference (2007),Colloquium co-chair of 32rd /33rd /34rd International Symposium on Combustion等多个国际会议,在国际燃烧学术界具有重要影响。
Recent concerns over energy sustainability have presented great challenges to develop quantitatively predictive models to enable new technologies and renewable fuels for energy systems to increase energy conversion efficiency and reduce emissions. This talk will present a summary of the recent progresses in experimental and kinetic studies of transportation fuels as well as low temperature plasma assisted combustion. The talk will discuss the challenges of experiments and kinetic modeling of ignition, extinction, and emissions at high pressures using various alternative fuels with different functional groups. A generic concept of surrogate fuel model using a few selected component fuels to model the burning and emission properties of real fuels will be presented and validated. A comprehensive correlation between flame extinction and fuel functional groups will be discussed. A multi-time scale model to achieve efficient modeling of combustion with a detailed mechanism will be presented. The theory of flame initiation will be revisited and the important length scales which govern the minimum ignition energy and flame extinction will be analyzed. Based on the theoretical and kinetic understanding, a non-equilibrium plasma assisted combustion technology to achieve low temperature ignition and enhance flame stabilization will be presented.
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联系人:刘小超  15874293119  liuxiaochao2011@gmail.com 
蒋炳炎 13873182288   jby@csu.edu.cn
