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必威betway官网入口引智项目专家报告Dietmar Drummer教授团队学术报告

发布时间:2018-09-25    作者:    来源:     浏览次数:    打印

报告1  Additive Manufacturing of Polymers - Technology for today or future?

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Drummer

报告2  Material changes in selective laser sintering of polyamide 12

Dr.-Ing. Katrin Wudy



邀请人:蒋炳炎 教授

联系人:吴旺青 副教授(15874295500



Additive manufacturing enables amazing new possibilities in the production of polymer parts. Increased design freedom is just one of its advantages. Report 1 will discuss the long term motivation for additive manufacturing, which is classified into general changes in market demands and political as well as structural border conditions. Different new process approaches for generic generation of parts are presented and compared and their specific market potentials are highlighted, supported with actual research results. Selective laser sintering of plastics is one of the additive processes that can bridge the gap in between mere prototypes and the production of functional components. Constant powder properties and powder quality control are indispensable to ensure the required reliability. Report 2 will present the aging effects on the unmolten powder during selective laser sintering process of polyamide 12 (PA 12).



Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Drummer德国埃尔朗根-纽伦堡大学终身教授,德国自然科学科研基金会(DFG)增材制造联合研究中心(SFB 814)首席科学家;德国DFG塑料工程领域评审专家委员会主任。2016年入选必威betway官网入口智力引进计划,并受聘为必威betway官网入口客座教授。Drummer教授于2009年被聘为埃尔朗根-纽伦堡大学终身教授、机械学院聚合物材料工程研究所所长。主要从事薄壁/微注射成型工艺、模内装配微注射成型、增材制造等领域的研究。


wudy照片Dr.-Ing Katrin Wudy, 德国埃尔朗根-纽伦堡大学聚合物材料工程研究所助理教授,2017年获德国埃尔朗根-纽伦堡大学工学博士学位,师从Drummer教授,主要从事3D打印增材制造中聚合物材料老化的研究,并在该领域发表高水平论文近50篇。





